hehehhehe wie mein trainer hahahahha der redet au immer ne halbe stunde aber des is gut! Log in to Reply
@xax4 miro said, he was glad that the movie hadn´t more scenes like the shown, ´cause the coach was even more passionate in some other parts (and aggressive against the other teams) 🙂 Log in to Reply
Yeah der beste Satz ist: Dann schaffen wir´s halt 2010 xDDDD Und jetzt heißt es wir schaffen´s 2014 ist scho kla xD Log in to Reply
and I would like to know too what’s the song at 1.30 no one had answer this earlier when people have asked this :O. English subtitles would be sooo nice! Log in to Reply
Did not understand a word! However it was just worth to watch tree of them talking,smiling,chatting 😀 <3 you guys 🙂 Log in to Reply
Can somebody translate what they are saying at 6.13 – 6.55 when all laugh? Especially what Miro is saying? Log in to Reply
I didnt understand anything but sounds cool lol
@DaCola93 lol so nach dem motto “irgendwann schaffen wa es” haha
hehehhehe wie mein trainer hahahahha der redet au immer ne halbe stunde aber des is gut!
niemieckie szatławce chuj wam w dupe
@egzorcysta87 the song is ,, schwarz und weiß ,, by oliver pocher
what is the song in opening this film?please odp
In 9:22 Poldi says in polish: Miśku! You first :))
miro said, he was glad that the movie hadn´t more scenes like the shown, ´cause the coach was even more passionate in some other parts (and aggressive against the other teams) 🙂
gibt´s das auch in besserer qualität?
die jungs verdienen HD+HQ+Kinoleinwand 🙂
Poldiiii ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Kloooseeee ♥♥
Yeah der beste Satz ist: Dann schaffen wir´s halt 2010 xDDDD
Und jetzt heißt es wir schaffen´s 2014 ist scho kla xD
and I would like to know too what’s the song at 1.30
no one had answer this earlier when people have asked this :O.
English subtitles would be sooo nice!
I wanted him to defeat Ronaldo’s goal record =/
they are ADORABLE!! <3<3
Did not understand a word! However it was just worth to watch tree of them talking,smiling,chatting 😀 <3 you guys 🙂
Can somebody translate what they are saying at 6.13 – 6.55 when all laugh? Especially what Miro is saying?
njemci ali ustvari poljaci
so great video, i enjoyed watching it <3<3
Miro Klose Fußballgott ;D
Genial 😀
lahhhhhhhhm x
@ibelongtoPACMAN Thank you,thank you so much!
@apple90160 ‘Was wir alleine nicht schaffen’ by Xavier Naidoo 😉
@narutokingxxx It’s called ’54, ’74, ’90, ‘2010 🙂